Stockmanship and stewardship are essential to the day to day operations of the Pitchfork.
Low Stress Stockmanship
Our goal is to develop cattle that are easy to work with and know their job. One of the ways we implement low stress stockmanship is through the regular evaluation of our facilities. A recent project we completed this past winter involved reworking both sets of corrals by moving panels and adding bud boxes to improve the flow of cattle through the alley and into the lead up. The bud boxes work with the natural instincts of our cattle and how they respond to pressure to make movement through the corrals seamless. Although hooping and hollering may seem fun in old westerns we stay away from excessive noise and pressure. We want our cows to pair up with their calves and move out when asked because it’s less stressful for them and that makes it easier on us.
Why should this matter to you?
We feel that one of the biggest advantages of buying beef directly from a ranch is that you know how your beef is raised. Humanely raising beef each step of the way is our top priority.
The Pitchfork Ranch believes that environmental stewardship is intregal to raising healthy cattle. By prioritizing the health of our soil and native grasslands we are able to continue to provide a quality product year after year.
Working with wildlife specialists allows us to keep native species on the ranch at a healthy population. This year we are actively participating in three major research projects regarding the black footed ferret population, moose habitats, and antelope migration.
Sharing the natural beauty of the ranch for generations to come is one of our top priorities. By participating in the ‘Access Yes!’ program we are able to grant hunters access to our property. We believe that hunting is an asset to conservation, so we are eager to share that with our community.